Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Daddy Wagon

Well, I thought it was time to get back to this topic. I had joked previously that I had a fear of minivans. It's not really a fear, just a general dislike. I had originally thought of doing a clever comparison with a spreadsheet detailing mileage, cubic feet of space, vehicle capabilities etc. I even started to think of the finer points of the debate and strategized how to justify one or the other. Then I realized it doesn't matter one bit. You see, I realized that you are either in one camp or the other and nothing is going to change your mind. It's like politics or religion. If you are deep seated in your opinion you'll do one of two things. Either you'll agree with my opinion and like me even more or you'll disagree and hate me, never to read another post again. I also realized this is my blog and my opinion so there is no point justifying it. On that note, I'll move on to my opinion piece.

My "daddy wagon" as I like to sometimes call it is a, drumroll please, 2000 Lexus LX 470. If you are not familiar with this vehicle, I'll give you the highlights. This massive SUV weighs over 5400 pounds, has full time 4wd, not very good gas mileage and the ability to go where most minivans could not imagine. I feel totally confident in the fact that my kids are very safe in this thing. When the kids get older and want friends to come along there is a 3rd row of seats ready for them. There is a ridiculous amount of leather and some much loved heated front seats. There is both AC and heat all the way back to the 3rd row. We have actually already had 7 adults and one kid in a car seat in this thing and everyone was nice and comfy. I could keep going, but I think I made my point. I like it a lot and that is really all that matters. That is not true, my opinion is not the only one that matters. My wife loves this thing as well. She can even sit in the back seat in between the two kids and be comfortable. She feels safe in it and loves how it drives in the snow. Her opinion carries just as much weight as mine if not more.

Now I'm sure some people out there would call it excessive and it might be. However I could not be happier with the piece of mind it provides while driving in the snow with my two little kiddos nice and cozy in the back seat. I know minivans can come with AWD and a lot of the other things this truck has. But that is just it, when push comes to shove this thing is a truck. Big and tough ready for whatever I or mother nature can throw at it. The LX470 is basically a fancier version of the Toyota Landcruiser that is legendary around the world for being near unstoppable in even some of the most remote places.

So there you have it, a quick rundown of what I drive. I didn't give every little detail or capability, but I don't have a ton of time to write. Nor do I think people would have the attention span to hear me drone on about technical details. I'm just happy with one last simple fact. I will never own a minivan, period.

Cheers for now,

The Geek Side

I am a geek. I have a degree in computers. I have more electronic devices than a reasonably sane person should have. I like to build my own computers and I'm a fan of PC's. Why am I telling you all this? Simple. I am becoming a fan of apple products.

It all started in October of 2010, I got my first apple product ever. An iPhone 4 in black. Big deal right, I'll never convert to apple. Well since that day I have found my iPhone to not only be completely addictive but also very useful. The camera is great and the ability to share photos with my wife throughout the day is super easy. I may even one day buy an iPad. Which brings me to the actual point of this whole post. I thought you could only use a full size keyboard on an iPad or a Mac. Well as luck would have it, the apple bluetooth keyboard works with my iPhone as well. Yup, I'm using the Blogger app right now as I write this post, on my iPhone using a full size keyboard and I'm loving life. Yes I am a total geek. But I'll take it another step further. You see I also have my iPhone in an Otterbox defender case, which is in the belt clip set up as an easel. I'll take the phone out and snap a picture just for kicks.

See, I'm a total geek. Sorry, I can't help myself. I just had to share my new found freedom.

I guess I should explain the freedom thing. Not too long ago I bought a shiny new laptop that I thought was the greatest thing since a 1TB hard drive. It was a nice enough HP with lots of RAM and a big hard drive. It worked really well for a little while. Well it has suffered the same fate as almost all other HP laptops from what I can tell. The battery is useless. Not more than about a week out of warranty the battery completely died. Emailed HP and "I'm sorry the product is no longer under warranty, we could sell you a new battery". I'm sure they could sell me a new battery. Anyway, I have been frustrated by the fact that I must have the thing plugged in anytime I want to use it. This is horribly inconvenient and in my opinion defeats the purpose of a laptop. So to end my rant, I now have portability in a full size keyboard. Let's be honest, it's way easier than typing on the little touch screen. Granted my screen is small and I don't have massive computing power on my phone. But when I just want to write without being tied to a power cord, I now have the perfect solution. I guess the next step is to move up to an iPad and have some real fun.

Cheers for now,