What a week we have had! Logan is doing great in gymnastics these days and is almost ready for the second level class. He has come a long way in the past 8 weeks, from not even getting off the bleachers, to excelling at almost every skill. Grandma Ellie has been taking him each week. Next Saturday is his "Mini-Meet" so we should have some good pictures to post later.
Both kids are doing amazing in their music classes as well. Nyah is getting more brave every class and loves cleaning up after each different activity.
Nyah and her PomPom |
Logan has been doing really well in his 2-4yr classes as well. He is doing great with his sharing and has really begun to develop some rythym. He is also getting more involved in the group activities. It's crazy to see Logan as one of the biggest kids in class. I'm not really sure where he gets his height from, but he's getting so tall. I am so proud of both of them and how much they are growing and changing each day. It seems like only yesterday Logan was barely speaking and Nyah was still just crawling. They grow and change at such a fast rate.
It's moments like this when I get to sit down and write that I can reflect on what has been happening. All too often the daily routine is all I can think of. I run my mental checklist everyday and check the calendar, do the laundry, dishes and so on. I think as parents (all parents) we are so worried about making sure the kids are in activities and giving them all the experiences possible. We worry over whether or not they hit the "developmental milestones". We try to ensure their success in the future by helping them become well rounded. Early on, we worry about them not saying enough words by the time they are 18 months, only to realize that they don't stop talking by the time they hit three and a half. As parents we worry a lot and usually about everything, even if we have absolutely no control over it.
In doing this we almost miss experiencing our own kids. We might miss that sweet moment when brother and sister share a quiet moment playing nicely together. Or we might miss the chaos resulting from turning a box of tissues into snow.
Tissues becoming "snow" |
I think kids are teaching us the most important lesson of all, slow down and enjoy the little things.
That will do for now as breakfast needs to be made and we all need to get ready for the kids holiday party at Philly's work. There we go running off again : )
Cheers for now,