The adventures of a stay at home dad. Including gear reviews, random parenting tidbits and family happenings.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Family Update 9-10-13
Hello there, a lot sure has been going on since the last one of these updates. Obviously from my last post we've added a new kiddo and a new vehicle to the family. It seems like only yesterday things were getting easier and the kids and I were settling into routine. I guess Philly and I are never content to have things be easy or calm. We like to have things going on. We like to be busy and I suppose we thrive on stress. I'm not sure why. I guess it is a way to ensure we never get lazy or complacent. So here we are with a big boy of 4 and a half, a fireball of a daughter of 2 and 4 months and a bundle of cuddle who is almost 2 months old. I never thought I would be the proud and tired father of 3 amazing kids, but here I am.
Logan has really grown up the past 7 months and has become quite the Lego master. It's been really nice to have afternoon building sessions with him on the odd occasion that Nyah will still take a nap. He has also done really well on his bike this year. We went to the Frisco bike park in the mountains and he did great for the first time with no training wheels. He is now so big, we had to get him a 16" wheel bike with a hand brake. It is so great to see someone else fall in love with biking. The boy absolutely loves mud and digging in the dirt. I know all boys do, but Logan seems to take it to the next level, smearing it all over himself and running around the back yard. He's like a wild animal some days and it is awesome. We've talked to him about school on occasion and he's given us the same great answer "I'm not quite big enough, maybe when I'm 5 and a half, I'll be ready". I certainly won't rush the boy, I know he'll do great when he does go, but I know I'll miss him like crazy when he is ready. He and I certainly have our moments of disagreement, but I think it's just because we are so similar. Even when we have a hard day, I still love him like crazy and I know I'll cry when he officially starts school next year.
Nyah has really grown over the last few months as well. She has continued to be such a fireball and her personality has only gotten stronger. She is so confident and strong willed, its both a blessing and a curse. On the one hand she can do so many things on her own and seems to learn things very quickly. On the other hand she makes one heck of a mess and gets more bumps and bruises than if she would just let Philly or I help. "NO, I do it my own", seems to be her favorite phrase. I feel like I'm raising a little Philly. That's not a bad thing, it actually helps me understand both Nyah and Philly just a little bit more. Don't get me wrong, I'll never get either one of them figured out. No matter how hard I try, I'll still never understand the mind of a woman. I just get little clues here and there about why they might do certain things that I don't understand. Nyah has also been doing amazing on her balance bike. The girl has no fear or concept of limitations. It's good and bad, but she has some amazing skills. She now has her own pedal bike with training wheels and figured out how to pedal and use the brake on the first day. I'm sure it will only be a matter of time before she and Logan try to have races on the way to our neighborhood park. They already have on balance bikes, but with pedals I'll be sprinting to keep up. The sibling rivalry has been brutal at times and they battle pretty hard. I will say this girl is super strong and gives Logan a run for his money. I know it will likely never end, but we do our best to keep things civil. I think when Logan starts school next year she will enjoy the freedom of having toys and space to herself. I know she'll miss her big brother at that point, but at least she will have her new little sister to play with. I'm so happy for her that she will have a sister so close in age. It already seems like they were born in the right order, Nyah is already a great big sister and cares so much. She gives the best hugs and kisses and loves her little sister very much. I'm sure when they are teenagers, that might change a little.
Zoe is our new little bundle of awesome. She gave us a little scare in the beginning by not wanting to nurse and sometimes she won't take a bottle. But when she's hungry the girl will eat. I think it has just been very interesting to see how very different all 3 kids are. Logan was our attachment baby, I carried him for the first 2 years of his life. Nyah was little miss independent from the beginning and couldn't be contained, actually she still can't be contained. Zoe is a mix of the two, she loves to be held at times, yet she has her moments of just being content to lay there and look at us all. I'm sure she is wondering what she got herself into, "who are these crazy people?" I know it is partially because we've already had two other kids, but Zoe has been the easiest baby in some ways. She is the first of our kids that actually calms down when you put her in the car seat. She also doesn't even want a pacifier or "binki" as we call them. That is fine with us since Nyah has been very reluctant to give hers up yet. Her smile can brighten any day.
I'm doing my best to enjoy the time we have together right now and not worry about what daily life will be like once Philly goes back to work full time. I guess I'm just scared and a little worried how I'll do with 3 kids. I know I'll be fine, I just have mini panic sessions here and there. I know there are many women out there who do this all the time, my mother being one of them. I think all stay at home parents go through moments of doubt and fear, some express it, some suppress it and others just sit down and cry. At the moment I'm not going to admit to crying, but talk to me in 3 weeks and we'll see how I'm holding up.
Cheers for now,
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